30 Jul Japan Disaster Relief
Hello Everyone,
I wanted to share a letter I recently received after speaking with a local resident. Her name is Corinne Thygeson and she is seeking help in her efforts to support disaster relief for the people of Japan. Please take a moment to read her follow-up letter below and contact Corinne directly if you can help in any way.
Thank You!
May 19, 2011
Dear Lori-
Thanks for taking the time to talk with me about the work I am doing to assist those in need in Japan. As we discussed, I am a Little Silver resident who recently moved back from Japan. The natural disasters have caused the children and me to come home earlier then expected; however, my husband continues to work there.
I decided to support the country and those devastated by the earthquake and have connected with Hands on Tokyo, a non-profit that I volunteered for while living in Japan. The organization is working with a group of volunteers to address the needs of the shelters in the Fukushima area. Each month they e-mail me a new list of needs. I have already reached out to the community and collected toothbrushes, toothpaste and hand/bath towels for those in shelters. This month we are collecting socks (male, female, youth) and children’s toothbrushes and toothpaste. Earlier this week, I received a donation of toothbrushes and toothpaste from one of your members, LS Family Pharmacy.
You asked me to outline specifically how businesses can help with our initiative. Here are a few ways:
- Businesses can contribute on a tax deferred basis to shipping: Besides supply donations, we are also looking for help with the cost of shipping. A friend in the airline industry is able to provide us with a 75% discount on shipping. If individuals or businesses are interested in donating to shipping, the Junior League has graciously agreed to accept checks and so donations will be tax deductible.
- Businesses can also simply sponsor a box: The boxes are full of supplies and ready to be mailed. If a business is interested in helping, I can drop off the box and it can be mailed through US mail at a cost of approximately $75.00.
- Businesses can house a bin: Right now collection bins are located at the Little Silver Public Library and outside of Little SIlver homes. If a business is willing and feels that it makes sense, I can drop off a bin to be used to collect items.
If a business is able to help, I will include their name in promotional materials for the program.
I thank you in advance for your consideration and please contact me with any questions at 383-5017 or thygeson@comcast.net.
Best Regards,
Corinne Thygeson
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