30 Jul Another Successful Book Fair & The Launch of Little Silver Day
The Little Silver Business & Professional Association is happy to announce that we hosted yet another successful Book Fair! The book Fair took place on Saturday October 15 at the Women’s Club on Church St. This year we broke our all-time Book Fair record and raised over $2000, which will all be used to continue the efforts of the LSBPA in improving the Little Silver community and supporting local charities. Many thanks to Liz Gearon of Ship Shape Financial for organizing our annual Book Fair, she does such an outstanding job every year for us. This year we were also very fortunate to collaborate with the Girl Scouts and the Little Silver PTO in organizing and operating the event. The Ye Olde Pie Shoppe was also on hand this year selling their delicious pies. This year, we were happy to have Book Fair patrons from all over the State. It is so nice to see our organization and the awareness for what we do grow! Many local non-profits arrived at the end of the day to take some of the leftover books.
Not only was it a successful Book Fair, but the LSBPA also organized and hosted the first ever “Little Silver Day”. The entire town was active, with successful sidewalk sales, and all of the events that took place at the Little Silver Firehouse. The Firehouse generously provided space for Pet Adoptions by Rescue Ridge which brought many adorable dogs and cats available for adoption. Rescue Ridge can be found at RescueRidge.org. The Central Jersey Blood Bank (www.cjbcBlood.org) was also positioned at the Firehouse and had one of the most successful blood donations ever in the town of Little Silver. There were also free blood pressure checks performed by Little Silver Home Care (LittleSilverHomeCare.com), a Bone Marrow Donor Drive provided by DKMS (dkmsAmericas.org), oral cancer screenings performed by Little Silver’s Marcelino Dental Arts (MarcelinoDentalArts.com) and who could forget the tasty samplings of the Chef Shack, full service catering, located in downtown Little Silver.
The LSBPA looks forward to our upcoming community events and all opportunities to get involved in our local community. We welcome all prospective members to attend any of our future events and/or meetings. Please watch for details on our upcoming Turkey Drive in conjunction with the Little Silver PTO to benefit Lunch Break (LunchBreak.org) and our annual Horse and Carriage ride in December. Visit our website, LittleSilverBusiness.com for more information or “LIKE” us on Facebook,Facebook.com/LittleSilverBusiness.
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