Membership Info

The LSBPA welcomes any business/person interested in joining the Association to attend any of our monthly meetings and experience what we are all about.


Membership Criteria 

To become a member of the LSBPA you must meet one of two criteria:

1. You are a resident of Little Silver, New Jersey and own and/or operate a business in or around the Little Silver Community
2. You own and/or operate a business in Little Silver, New Jersey

Initiation dues are $100. Annual renewal fee of $55 is due July 1st regardless of initiation date.


Apply Now

1. Fill out the form below and submit.
2. Mail initiation dues of $100 – make check payable to Little Silver Business and Professional Association and mail to the address below.

Little Silver Business and Professional Association
c/o Paul Giordano, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
200 Schulz Drive
Red Bank NJ 07701


For more information contact: Lori Saybolt,

Member Application

  • Choose one of the Options Below

    Choose the option by placing a quantity in the empty field. Example: Enter "1" in the Quantity field next to "Price $55.00" if you are renewing one Membership for your business.
  • Price: $100.00
  • Price: $250.00
  • Price: $350.00
    ($100.00 Initial Dues + $250.00 Banner Sponsorship)
  • Price: $55.00
  • Price: $130.00
    ($55.00 Annual Renewal + $75.00 Banner Renewal)
  • Please provide us with a short paragraph to be used in our ‘Spotlight’ feature on our website and facebook page. This should be about 5-8 sentences describing the unique features of your business.